Additional Mindfulness Tools
Insight Timer
Check out Insight Timer, it has a web-based and app-based options. There are MANY resources that are FREE. Various types of meditations are offered including guided, silent, sounds, etc.
Check out Calm, it has web-based and app-based options. Another great site with MANY resources that are FREE. Various types of meditations and some questions as you begin that help direct you to what will serve you best.
Mindful Center at Brown University
Check out Mindful Center At Brown University. They offer FREE Community Mindfulness session live 5-days a week. They are various times and lengths. Another good option to check out
East Coast Mindfulness' Worldwide Sit.
Check out East Coast Mindfulness' Worldwide Sit. The staff of East Coast offer this free weekly online experience each Thursday from 11:10 am - 11:50 am (Iowa time). If is fun to have a mindfulness experience with people from literally all over the world. Check it out!
East Coast Mindfulness' Online Resource Library
Check out East Coast Mindfulness' online resource library with 100+ video recordings available for FREE. You can practice with Jon Kabat-Zinn, Andrew Holecek, Susan Piver, Mark Nepo, Rebecca Eldridge, Margaret Fletcher and others. Browse a wealth of topics to find what's just right for any moment. These video practices are available for free, at any time that fits your life.